agrarian information system for management
of EU agricultural paying agencies

Within the Rural Development Program (RDP), it is possible to administer project support and report EU payments.

Common Market Organizations, Market Measures and Trade Mechanisms in EU Agriculture under the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).

Project administration and reporting national aid in agriculture within
the EU.

Financial management of EU paying agencies, entry of payment orders, control and payment management, administration of irregularities, processing and x-table data, interconnection and transfer
of payment information to the bank's accounting system.

A comprehensive web application for managing European Union agricultural paying agencies


Agricultural expenditure is financed from the general EU budget - the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), which finances direct payments to farmers and measures to regulate agricultural markets and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The Commission does not pay the payments directly to the beneficiaries, this is done by the accredited paying agencies of each Member State.
AGIS serves the Paying Agencies for the administration of support in the Rural Development Program and National Support, as well as for the management of CMOs.
It provides comprehensive financial management and reporting of payment flows by the Agency under European Commission directives and regulations and allows for transfers of payments between the Agency and the Implementing Bank.

AGIS is operated in a common Internet browser at the end-user level. Data and application layers run in ORACLE (Database and ORACLE Application Server). This ensures high system performance with hundreds of simultaneous users in dozens of regional offices linked to paying agency centers.
The robustness of the application is demonstrated by the fact that the system menu contains a total of 3150 items and the application contains 9450 functions.

Rural development program


EU rural development policy helps EU rural areas face a wide range of economic, environmental and social challenges of the 21st century. It is called the "second pillar" of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), complementing the system of direct payments to farmers and measures to manage the agricultural markets of the CMO (the "first pillar").

AGIS RDP includes:
Application administration (Focus area, Evidence challenges, Creation and administration of applications, Administration of evaluators, Registration of applications, Appeal to add replenishment, Material Controls, Notifications, Decisions, Contract Creation and Administration, Changes, Appeals, Review)
On-the-spot checks (Creation, Administration, Plans, Reports, Outputs, Decisions)
Administration of payment requests (Establish request, Risk analysis, OAP officer administration, Administrative Review, Request Suspension, On-site Check, Rejection Notice, Payment Implementation)
Monitoring (Monitoring Report Administration, Projects Information, Limits, Thematic Objectives, Overviews, Reports, Plans, Indicators)
Risk analysis (Contracts, Applications, On-site Chceck)
AGIS RDP is linked to the Paying Agency Management Module (AGIS FMM) to make payments.

Financial management of the paying agency


AGIS - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MODUL (FMM) serves to finance AGIS RDP, AGIS CMO, direct payments and other support administration systems and to communicate with the accounting system and the bank.
PAYMENT APPLICATIONS (Administration of a Payment Request, Set-off of payment request with future period sanction and then report to X-table).
FUTURE PERIOD SANCTION (Records of sanctions, blocking of payments due to future period sanction, records and overview of sanctions balances, including credits and record to X-tables).
IRREGULARITY MANAGEMENT (Administration of all types of irregularities, refund requests and settlement notifications, blocking of payments due to irregularity, offsetting of irregularities with request for payment of irregularities and its further processing in administrative and judicial proceedings).
REPORTING (Report on Detected Irregularity, Checklist for Administrative Control, Checklist for Settlement Application, Settlement Request, Checklist for Settlement Notice, Settlement Notice, Clearing Sheet).
REPORTING AND X-TABLE (X-Table Data Recording, Correction, Creating Reports From
X-Tables, Code Lists, X-Tables F-Field Nomenclature, and X-Table Definitions).



The Common Market Organization (CMO) is a set of rules governing agricultural markets in the European Union.
The CMO sets out the parameters for interventions in agricultural markets and provides sectoral support (eg for fruit and vegetables, wine, olive oil, school programs). 
It also includes rules on the marketing of agricultural products (eg marketing standards, geographical indications, labeling) and the functioning of production and interbranch organizations. It deals with issues related to international trade (eg licenses, tariff quota management, inward and outward processing).
AGIS CMO - Trade Mechanisms
Guarantees, Licenses, Export subsidies ANNEX, NONANNEX export subsidies, Importers and exporters, Quotas.
AGIS CMO - Intervention
Intervention buying, Intervention sale, Intervention storage, Private meat storage, Private milk storage, Market withdrawal, Buying butter by non-profit org.
AGIS CMO - Commodities and Sector Support
School milk, Vegetables for schools, Milk quotas, Aid for fruit and vegetable growers, Aid for pasta production, Support for milk used as feed, Contribution for concentrated butter for direct consumption, Quotas - potato starch, Support for potato starch production, Sugar substitutes, Production refunds for cereals and rice, Payments to fruit and vegetable processors, Sugar quotas, Cross table, Producer organization.

National support


AGIS NS - Subsidies in agricultural production, examples of supported functions in AGIS: Subsidies for the participation of breeders and growers in exhibitions, for the valuation of an enterprise, for the establishment and maintenance of a herd-book, for the performance control, for the improvement of piglets quality, for an increased pig housing area for bee colonies, to cover losses caused by natural disasters on agricultural crops and animals, for payment of insurance premiums in agriculture, for green oil, etc.
AGIS NS - Processing subsidies, examples of functions in AGIS: Subsidies for improving the quality of agricultural products of farmers and growers and for agricultural products in their processing in the enterprise
AGIS NS - Forestry subsidies, examples of AGIS functions: Subsidies for forest cultivation and protection, forest insurance premium payments, phytosanitary care in forests, loss caused by natural disasters on forest stands and forest kindergarden reproductive material, etc.
AGIS NS - Fishing subsidies, examples of AGIS functions: Subsidies to cover fish losses, conservation and protection of fish genetic resources, fish farming, etc.

Our clients

Since 1993, our SW has been supporting the management of national payments in the State Environmental Fund (SEF CR).
Since 2004, the AGIS application has been deployed in EU paying agencies: the State Intervention Fund (SAIF CR)
and in the Agricultural Paying Agency of the Slovak Republic (PPA Bratislava).

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